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Zagroda Maziarska Łosie

Maziarska Farm Łosie

Na trawie na wprost stoi tyłem drewniany prostokątny budynek z dachem dwuspadowym, pokrytym gontem. Oparte jest o niego drewniane koło. Za nim inne budynki. Po prawej drzewa. Niebo częściowo z chmurami.

Łosie 34, 38-314 Łosie Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 183534363
Maziarska Farm is a compact, closed complex of buildings located in the centre of the village, near the Nativity of the Theotokos Greek Catholic Orthodox Church from 1810.

It is an example of wooden buildings typical of Łosie in the times before mass practising of grease-making. The buildings of the hut and the stable with a carriage house originate in the end of the 19th century. They are built of carved fir logs, using the full scribe method. Peaked roofs of the buildings are covered with spruce shingles. On top of the hut, on a roof slope from the side of the yard there is a built-up opening used for putting hay into the hay-loft. The hut has a single row of rooms with a vestibule dividing the building into two parts. The granary with a basement comes from the 1st half of the 20th century, has a framed structure and is planked, with a peaked shingled roof. In this unique museum, we can learn what the wood tar trading consisted in and how the village of Łosie became affluent on trading in wood tar and lubricants. The exhibition shows the broader ethnographic background related to the traditional culture of the Lemko region. In the Beskid Niski area, the Lemko people were also engaged in spoon making, wood tar oil production and stone masonry. The farmstead also presents the original carts of wood tar merchants, including the cart of Dymitr Kareł, one of the last wood tar traders from Łosie. Currently, the buildings are a branch of the Karwacjan and Gładysz Manors Museum in Gorlice, while the hut and the stable accommodate an exhibition dedicated to the Lemko culture and grease-making in Łosie.


Wood Tar Oil (Dziegieć)

Wood tar oil is a thick liquid with intense odour. It is used in folk medicine, veterinary practice and handicraft. It was also used in magical practice. Wood tar oil is the product of the so-called dry distillation of wood. The Lemko village Bielanka is still famous for its production. Wood tar oil traders were believed to have magical powers.

Małopolski Instytut Kultury w Krakowie, ‘Maziarze z Łosia, wiejskie bogactwo w globalnym przemyśle naftowym’

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